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All information managed by Customs Authority

Personal Effects Procedures

Personal Effect is import procedure means for Relocating Personal Goods from abroad to Indonesia.

Who are eligible to obtain the permit ? Civil servants/ Military Personnel (TNI) work or study abroad; State Diplomats/ Officials serving abroad;Civilians (Students, College Students, Employees) study or work abroad; andForeigner’s nationals work in Indonesia.

The owner of the goods comes to the Customs office where the Personal Effect will be imported by carrying out those requirements :

  • Proposing a request for submission of PIBK

  • Filling out the PIBK form

  • Submitting documents:Orginial BL/ AWB, Invoice, Packing List, Original Passport, Ticket/ Boarding Pass, Statement Letter from Indonesian Embassy/ Consul General/ Indonesian Representative abroad; KITAS and IMTA ( for foreingers); Study Completion Statement Letter ( for Student)


Then submit PIBK (Personal Effect Import Notification) to the head of the Customs office. Afterwards, physical inspection will be carried out. If the Personal Effect is declared as green channel and there is no Lartas items, SPPB (Approval Letter of Goods Release) will be issued. SPPB means that personal effect is allowed to be delivered to the goods owner.


Passanger's Goods Procedures

Every passenger from abroad are obligated to declare all the belongings from abroad in Customs Declaration including personal medication, food, beverage, money, etc.Also, import goods is subjected to tax.


However, every passenger is exempted USD 500 per person.  If you bring goods with value more than the exemption, the excess will be taxed. Thus, if you are planning to come to Indonesia, you need to check the belongings you can and cannot pack in order to pass the border.


FYI, used or secondhand goods are prohibitted to enter Indonesia in accordance to Indonesia Trade Ministry Regulation Number 20in 2021. For handphones or other communication device is only allowed 2 pieces/ person, the excess will be detained in accordance to Indonesia Trade Ministry Regulation Number  25 in 2022

IMEI Registration Procedures

IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity or with simple words the
unique number of your mobile device. Every officially produced phone has it.Registering it at the airport/port is free of cost if your phone is under USD 500.


However,based on the experience of some of our students, the customs also do not charge for moreexpensive phones. But if your phone price more than USD 500, it will be charged taxes.


FYI, You can visit nearest Customs Office to activate your IMEI, our officer will check and validate all of information related to your devices data


After registering your IMEI's Devices, your IMEI will be activated in 2 x 24 hours !


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Goods for foreign countries’ representatives and their officials

Based on the regulation of The Minister of Finance number 149/PMK.04/2015 concerning the exemption from Import Duty and/or Excise on the imported goods by Representative of Foreign Countries and their Officials, it stated that on the imported goods by Representative of Foreign Countries and Their Officials who work in Indoenesia based on the principle of reciprocity may be granted exemption from impoort duty and/ or excise.


The exemption can be given after obtaining approval from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia and upon the application of import duty exemption and/or excise, Director General of Customs and Excise Offcials appointed on behalf of Minister of Finace can issue a decision regarding the exemption of import duty.



 Export Temporary Admissions


Exported goods carried by passangers as referred to The Minister of Finance Regulation number PMK 203/PMK.04/2017 are notified by using a goods carrier notification to be brought back.


The notification as referred shall be submited to the Customs and Ecxcise Officials appointed to oversee the goods carried by passangers at The International Departure Terminal in the form :


a. Electronic Data

b. Writing on the form


Customs Officials will inspect of the exported goods listed on the notification. Nonconformity goods information, Customs and Excise Officials return the notice of carrying of goods to be brought back by  Passenger for fixing it

Restricted and Prohibited Goods Procedures

Prohibited and restricted goods are goods which import or export is prohibited and/or restricted based on regulation issued by related technical agency. Related technical agency, basically are departments or non- departments govermental agencies at the central level which stipulate the prohibited and restricted regulation on impor/export goods


Related agencies that stipulate prohibited and restricted regulations to The Minister of Finance are as follow :

a. Fish Quarantine Agency, Quality Control and Safety of Fishery Products

b. Food and Drugs Supervisory Agency

c. Agricultural Quarantine Agency ( Animal and Plant Quarantine)

d. Ministry of Health

e. Cental Bank of Indonesia

f. Energy Monitoring Agency

g. Ministry of Forestry

h. Ministry of Industry, etc


Customs officials has the authority to prevent goods that included prohobited and restricted category.


For more info, please visit attached INSW's link website " Lartas Information"


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New Customs Regulations for Alcoholic Baverages

Each Passangers is allowed to bring alcoholic bavareges only 1 litre / person

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Customs Awareness & Advisory Services

As a Customs Office lies in the triangle of growth, we believe communication is effective way to solve problem. Don't be hesistate to ask our officer about customs regulation

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